In exactly 12 days, I’ll be flying over the Atlantic on my way to España.
¡Olé! I can’t help myself. Just thinking about it makes me want to dance the Flamenco while waving a little red muleta in front of a bull with one hand and eating tapas with the other. Oh, Spain. I can’t wait to meet you.
The thing is, Spain is planned. The flight’s booked. The hostel’s booked. It’s all of the details and countries that come after that are up in the air (like me in just 12 days). Help!
Oh, did I forget to mention, I’m going to Europe for a month?
Just a handful of places.
Barcelona, Rome, Tuscany, Florence, Venice (Maybe. We haven’t even decided yet!), Paris (Depends on if we go to Venice.), London, Bath, Caen (Or back to Paris for Round 2.), Bruges, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Cork, Shannon and Dublin.
That’s the plan, plus or minus a few cities, because what’s the fun of traveling if you actually know where you’re going?
Did I mention, I’m unemployed and on a snug budget? Unemployed, as in technically, I could qualify for government cheese. And snug, as in Lady Gaga’s hotpants snug.
So, you might be asking yourself, “What the heck was she thinking when she booked that ticket?”
Last summer, my cousins said, “Let’s go to Europe.” I said, “Heck yeah!” It was a pretty obvious response. I had a job. I was making money. Spain and Italy are on the top of my 30 Before 30 list.
A few months later and here I am, less than 2 weeks away from a tour of Europe.
Enter, Mr. MasterCard.
Did you know it’s pretty easy to go online, type in “credit card” and find a dozen credit card companies, all willing to throw huge credit limits at you? I didn’t have many requirements. No foreign fees. No annual fee. Cash back. I was approved in 3.5 seconds.
Now, I’m just patiently pacing the mailbox waiting for Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome, err, scratch that, Mr. Moneybags to arrive. Soon, we’ll be strolling hand in hand card in hand across Las Ramblas, meandering down the Champ Élysées and zipping through the Chunnel on our way to Westminster Abbey. It is going to be Fab-u-lous!
Who’s with me?!