Friday, May 13, 2011

Look what I found. Money for waffles and beer!

Tomorrow’s the big day – takeoff time.
If you hadn’t guessed it already, my wallet’s still searching for that special someone or someones – Washingtons, Hamiltons and especially Franklins. Having dinner with paid for by Grover Cleveland would be nice. Yes, I’m talking about a crisp $1,000 bill.
I’ve been lying awake at night wondering how I can make $$$ appear out of thin air. Sell some goods? Sell some services?

Ding. Ding. Ding.
What do I have that I could easily live without and would help make me a quick buck?
Yes, I have an extra kidney, but isn't that illegal?
I was talking about ...


Why didn't I think of this sooner? I threw open my closet and started throwing tee shirts, sweaters and jeans into a pile in the middle of the room. Next came shoes! Brown sandals. Black sandals. Heels with bows. Flats with bows. (When's the last time I even wore a pair of shoes with bows?!) Tennis shoes. Flip-flops. I'd struck shoe gold!
This must convert to a couple of Belgian waffles, right?

I got a hold of myself, because the thought of turning clothes into money put me into quite a frenzy, and neatly folded everything into a big box.
Then I took it to, where else, Plato's Closet! Whoever this Plato guy was, I'd heard he was willing to fork over a few bucks for some old clothes.
Boy was he ever! Plato paid me $16.70. 

Sure, 11 euros isn’t going to buy me a bed to sleep in at even the worst hostel ever, but maybe it will buy me a couple of those waffles.

I’ll let you guys know when I make it to Belgium.


  1. Oh my god! You put Google Ads up. Click. Click. Click.

  2. Yes! More waffles. More beer. Click! Click! More waffles. More beer.
